hi! i’m ash
mama, nutritionist, cookie monster
I love food. More specifically, I love tasty comfort food and the joy it brings my family and me! And as your new best friend in the kitchen, I want to share that joy and excitement with you!
Here at Nourash, you’ll find healthy eating tips, meal prep tricks, delicious recipes and science-backed nutritional fun facts.
I hope you’ll feel inspired to learn something new, excited to play in the kitchen, and motivated to make healthy eating a tasty lifestyle choice you can’t resist!
Healthy comfort food and meal prep saved my health and changed my life forever.
After going through a painful health crisis in 2017/18, I left my banking career to become a Holistic Nutritionist and I learned how to control my health condition naturally, with food and lifestyle changes. I went from being depressed and barely able to walk, to happy and mobile…all because of food!
Healthy eating and meal prep gave me my life back, and if you are suffering through health challenges of your own, I not only empathize, I applaud you for taking this step and taking back your life too.
xo ash

get started here

keeping it real
a few more things…
- Truth… I used to be addicted to fast food. So much so I was at the drive-through on average twice a day. While it tasted so good at the time, it did a number on my health, to say the least.
- Follow-up truth… I still enjoy the odd Big Mac and fries from time to time … because a happy life is all about balance!
- My love of meal prep started 9 years ago with my daughters. I had never meal-prepped a day in my life until I started making baby and toddler food from scratch, after reading about the impact food has on a child’s temperament and sleep patterns. I quickly learned how much easier life (and parenthood) could be when you had healthy ‘fast food’ at your fingertips…and in the freezer. Needless to say, I was hooked!
- I love to geek out on all things productivity and planning! Creating and implementing systems are my cornerstones for getting it all done! Whether it’s meal prep, work, weekly chores or a new healthy habit I’m adopting, I love planning and putting systems in place to make it as easy, achievable and fun as possible!